Well... I have given in and decided to try out the blogging world. Two of my sisters have blogs and I read theirs all the time, but I was never able to comment on their posts without having an account! So then I went to just get an account so I could comment on it and I ended up setting up a whole blog... So here it is!! I'm weird and random, I know. There will be pictures to come as I get the hang of this more and figure things out.
So this is actually a really good time for me to be writing on this blog! Last week, I had the chance of making a surprise visit home to see my family and my best friend Taylor before he left on his mission. When I left for New Mexico, Taylor still didn't have his mission call, so there was no way of knowing when he would leave. Well... The call came and I got news that he would report to the MTC on November 18. The week before my first break from school with Thanksgiving. I was really upset and didn't think I was going to get a chance to see him before he left. Then my good friend here got us a really cheap flight home, and we took full advantage of it! I asked my mom for permission and we decided to surprise my dad with it. Little did she know that I had told her I was coming a day later and I was going to surprise her as well! So pretty much no one knew, and all of the surprises were so much fun!
So I got to spend about 6 days visiting in Utah, and it was awesome. We got in Tuesday afternoon and flew out Sunday night. I never really stopped going and I tried to make the most of it! I saw old friends, families that I missed, got my hair done (I am finally myself again and back blonde!), went to Logan to see my sister and her family and also to visit Utah State's campus (which I LOVED), and then I just spent the rest of my time with my family! I was SO grateful to Suz and her mom for getting me the ticket home. I had so much fun and it was so good to see everyone again!
Visiting Utah really made me realize how much I love it there. Not to mention living in New Mexico has really made me appreciate Utah.. :) I was away from home for 3 months straight, and it was really good for me! I would actually say that everyone who lives in Utah needs to get away from "the bubble" at least once in their lives and test themselves. This experience has been one I will never forget and it has just been really good for me! I love all of my family and friends in Utah (and out of Utah, Angie...) and I have really learned how much they have done for me my entire life. So life is good!
I also thought I'd throw out there how good it was to see Taylor. He was completely surprised and we had a lot of fun together. He will be reporting to the MTC November 18th, and then he will be going to the Antofagasta, Chile mission. I am so excited for him and for the amazing opportunity he is going to have out there! Congrats Elder Jensen! You will be missed. :)

This is Weston, Taylor, and I before I left for NM! They have both been two of my best friends since Middle School. Taylor leaves next week and Weston should be getting his call any day now!