Well first of all, there's this...
I hadn't written on here since announcing we were pregnant so... Yeah! We found out it's a boy!! I couldn't be more excited! I honestly didn't care what it was, I would have been excited regardless, but I am still excited to start off with a boy! We don't have a name picked out yet, but I have a list of my favorites that Matthew has to choose from. :) Everything at the ultrasound, thankfully, looked perfect as far as I could tell! He was smacking his lips at one point and it was super cute. Then the tech was showing me his little legs and she was like "oh, there's his foot!" We had the perfect shot of one of his little feet and then all of a sudden it moves and goes "pow!" and kicked the Doppler. It was actually pretty funny. Without fail, he has kicked the Doppler (whether it be just a heartbeat one or an actual ultrasound) every single time one has been on my belly. There were even times before I could feel him moving that my doctor would be trying to find the heartbeat and he would say "well… he's kicking the doppler, so we know he's in there!" I don't know why he hates it so much, but it's pretty entertaining.
We had a "gender reveal party" when we found out what it was, which was a lot of fun! I have some really amazing friends here who were so willing to help and made it so much fun for us! So during the ultrasound, the tech just showed us general shots of the baby. We got to see him move around, saw his adorable profile, his heart/spine/brain, legs, arms, everything except… what makes him a him. :) So then she looked at what the gender was and wrote it down on an index card and put it in an envelope. Then we drove the envelope over to my good friend Lisa's house and her and our other friend Chelsea made delicious cake balls for us! We invited a bunch of friends over that night to find out the gender with us, which was a lot of fun as well. When I told Lisa I wanted to do a gender reveal party, she was the mastermind of the whole cake ball idea, which I LOVED! The inside of the cake ball was the gender of the baby (obviously) and the outside she did both pink and blue chocolate. So when everyone got there and we were ready, everyone chose the color of what they thought it was and then we bit into it and it revealed what the gender really was! I chose a pink one (even though I thought it was a boy) and Matthew chose a blue one. It was a lot of fun, and I was happy with how it turned out. I wish I had more pictures, but we did get a video that I will try to upload sometime soon. :)
Movement has been really good so far and is starting to get more frequent and strong. Well… I consider it "really good", but let's face it, I have no idea what I'm talking about. I've never done this before! He doesn't keep me up at night yet, which is so great. He is the most active right after I get to work and then typically right after dinner-ish. Matthew has felt him kick lots. That was nice because he was starting to call me crazy and didn't believe that he was actually kicking me. There are times where I will make him put his hand on my belly and the little monkey will kick hard or something and Matthew will just say "wow!" and I say "SEE!?!" Haha so now he knows that the kid really is getting stronger and he really does move around a lot! But anyway... our adorable little boy is healthy as far as I can tell and is doing great! He has been really kind to his mama and hasn't made me worry much at all, which is good!
Ok, now we'll talk about me! :) I really am doing SO great! Second trimester was so good to me and I am seriously blessed. I just barely started the third trimester, so we will see how it treats me! I get heartburn every once in awhile, but it's nothing too bad AND I can just pop some Tums in and it goes away! I don't feel huge yet, which is good, but I have moments of "holy crap, I'm huge!" or "where the heck did this belly come from!?", but overall I think I'm doing pretty ok. I know third trimester will bring a lot of changes physically, but I have tried to mentally prepare myself for that, so hopefully it works! So physically I am doing fabulous. I am still working out regularly which has helped me keep my spirits up about the weight gain and physical changes. Physical changes are documented below...
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Look! We're all ready for baby! We have all we need. :) Who needs diapers or any of that stuff anyway!? |
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25 weeks |
27 weeks |
But do you know what has really been eating at me lately? I am absolutely terrified that in about 3 months, there will be a little boy here who is completely dependent on Matthew and I to survive. If we want our son to learn correct principles, WE are solely responsible to teach him those things. The world is becoming a very different place even from the one I was raised in, and that terrifies me. I always ask Matthew questions that I should definitely know the answers to (whether it be gospel related or otherwise) and I just tell myself there is no way I am going to be able to teach a little boy everything he needs to know. It doesn't help that I am in primary now and sometimes the kids ask me questions that stump me and make me feel like a dummy! But… *cheesy moment* it is those times that remind me why I married Matthew. He is so smart and so articulate and is definitely quicker on his feet than I could ever be! When our son comes up with some random "where did that come from??" question, I know I am going to be so grateful for the man I married. I am already practicing the answer… "Go ask your dad". :) So yeah… my husband is pretty great and I think he is going to be the best daddy in the whole world! And… I am thankful every single day that I won't be a single parent. I don't know how people do this alone, because I need my husband in my life!
Speaking of that daddy, how is HE doing? Well… it might be better to ask him, but I'd say he's doing pretty great! Medical School is obviously tough (to say the least), but he has done a great job at balancing life and school (aka giving me attention even during the busy times) and he is doing really well in all of his classes! That guy is seriously a rockstar. I don't know how he does it. It overwhelms me just thinking about it, but he works so hard and has done so well! He has a crazy couple of weeks coming up that will definitely test him (literally… haha), but he just takes everything a day at a time and gets through it! He is patient with me when the house gets dirty or when we have dinner at 9 o clock at night and he adjusts my back for me about every day. He has been so helpful even through his busy times, and I am so grateful for that. He is excited about and ready for baby to come too, but we both realize that the little guy needs to cook a little longer! The next few months are going to be crazy! By the time this baby comes, Matthew will be getting ready for finals (two weeks after the due date), and then he will probably be off to do his thing with the military for two weeks and who knows what else! It's a crazy life, but I definitely wouldn't change it for anything.
Well, I think that's about it for now! Sadly, I don't update enough, so I never wrote about Christmas in Utah, the baby shower my Utah friends threw for me (so nice of them!), or all of the other random events that have happened... So maybe a random post about everything will happen sometime, but I won't say that it will because… It probably won't. :) Hopefully I post again before the baby comes, but.. who am I kidding? I always think I'll be better at this than I am. Here's to always trying! :)
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