My little guy is growing up so fast! He is officially 9 months old, and has been out of me longer than he was in me! So bittersweet. I figured I need to blog about Landon, since I haven't dedicated very many posts to just him. I feel like I have tried so hard to keep this as a "family blog" and not let it turn into a "baby blog" that I have swung the other direction completely and don't post nearly enough updates of our little guy. So here is all about Landon at 9 months old.
- He is the sweetest little boy you could ever meet. He is friendly and loves standing on our laps and looking over our shoulders at all of the people behind us at church.
- He doesn't crawl on his hands and knees, but he gets where he wants to go via and army crawl. It's super adorable and he's actually very speedy!
Now that he's mobile, he usually ends up in the kitchen, especially when I'm making dinner. So I grab some tupperware and he chases them all around the kitchen. It's cute. :) |
- He is the best sleeper and napper. I honestly don't know how I got so lucky with this kid. He doesn't fight me to go to sleep at all and he sleeps 10-12 hours at night and takes two 2 hour naps during the day.
- He LOVES his daddy. He has figured out where Matthew's study room is, and he always "crawls" over to the door and yells. He also gets excited when I pick him up and take him in to "visit" dad.
- He had some pretty wicked patches of eczema on his face, but it's finally starting to clear up now.
- He's 22 lbs. and 29" long.
- He still has the most GORGEOUS eyelashes and his hair is getting pretty long!
- He has such an adorable smile and will usually smile for people. Sometimes he just gets "moms permission" before smiling at someone. They say hi to him and he looks at me and I tell him to say hi and he looks back at them and usually smiles.
- He loves sleeping on his belly

- He always stops whatever he is doing when he hears the Gilmore Girls theme song/credits song and "crawls" over to find the TV. Sometimes he'll even shake his head and dance to it. I am not going to tell you how many times a day he has heard that...
- He is almost learning how to clap. He's still just slightly uncoordinated with his hands. Same with waving. He's almost there. :)
- He can actually throw a wicked fit when I take something away from him. Keep in mind, I'm not taking his own toys away from him... Usually I'm taking away a power cord or something like that.
- He loves his own reflection/seeing himself on camera. He gets so excited and it is adorable!
This is the result of a front-facing camera. Haha! Don' t mind the laundry in the background... haha such is the life! |
- He loves reading scriptures at night. We lay on our bellies together and I read the Childrens Scripture books with pictures to him and he loves the pictures. He always tries to scoot closer to my iPad screen and just giggles the whole time I read. Adorable! :)
- He can't pull himself up yet, but he LOVES standing. He gets so excited when I let him stand next to the couch or in front of me. I can tell the poor kid just wishes he could walk and run around with all of the other kids here!
- He is constantly babbling now. It is so cute. This video is just one example of how he babbles. It is my favorite to wake up to his talking vs. crying.
All in all, our lives are so much better with this kid in it. He seriously makes me smile and laugh all day long. I can't even tell you how many times a day I say "Gosh, you are so cute!!". I love being his mom. I love knowing everything about him and being responsible for taking take of him. The things that overwhelmed me before having Landon are the things that give me purpose now that we have him. I can say so many more cliche phrases like "we can't even remember or imagine life without him!" etc, etc... But just know, they are all 100% true! Happy 9 months, Landon!
This is the result of a "hair fight" between Matthew and I. Haha he makes anything look good! |
Just look at that tubby belly!! |
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