Ok, so I have sucked at blogging over the past little while, but I am here now and giving my update!! Blogger has been dumb and hasn't let me put any pictures on here, and I wanted to make it more interesting! The last time I blogged was Thanksgiving, so I will just give the key points to avoid this blog being too long! (College post is coming soon!)
1- Goodbye New Mexico!
What a great experience to get outside of Utah and live in New Mexico for a semester of college! It was so much fun and I made a ton of incredible friends who I will probably be friends with forever. I made many memories and had a bunch of experiences I will never forget. In one semester of college, I grew up so much and learned so many things about myself and I am so glad I went! It was sad to say goodbye (or "see ya later") to my closest friends, and I hope to see them all again soon!
2- Christmas time!
(Jane and I in front of the Christmas tree! We look better sitting in pictures... haha)
Christmas is the best time of year! This Christmas was a great one! All of the married kids in my family were with the inlaws this year, but it was still a great Christmas! We had separate parties with the Waite's and the Nelson's and both of them were so much fun! I love being with my family! It was pretty laid back, but we had a lot of fun just spending time together laughing and playing with all of Berto's dang guns! (Marshmallow guns, dart guns, etc.) Christmas Eve was just mainly Kelsey and I with the parents, but Dustin and Kaley came over for a bit too. We went and saw a movie that day and thought about going to Temple Square that night, but it was freezing!! So we spent a night at home just enjoying being together as a family. That's really all it takes!

(Kelsey and I taking cheesy Christmas pajama pictures with Jasmine.)

(Kelsey, me, and Kaley at the Nelsom Christmas party. I love my family. :) )
Christmas day, the Hansen family invited me over to talk to Gavin!! YAY! It was SO much fun and he is doing so good! Probably about 90% of our conversation consisted of us either A) just laughing for no reason, or B) Me making fun of his accent. He is doing SO good and he is almost done! Monday the 25th, he hit his 19 MONTH MARK! He is guessing he will be coming home June 18th, so that means he has less than 5 months to go!! AH! It is crazy how fast the time has flown by and how much we have both grown from this experience. He has helped me beome a better person, and I'm way glad we met. (I don't really care that everyone makes fun of us because of the whole 2 week thing. When have I EVER done anything the normal way, right?? :) )
Also, during Christmas Break, I had two really fun adventures with Amber and Storie. First time, we spent the night at Amber's grandparent's cabin in Park City and then the next day went to that tubing hill! It was so much fun! After we went home and showered and then got ready and went to Temple Square! It was so much fun.
(The best way of going down the hill! Just for the record! What a blast...)
So tubing was a lot of fun! We also went to Amber's cabin over New Year's and went snowmobiling! I had never been before, but that was so much fun! I don't have pictures yet, but once I do, I will be sure to post them because they're great! 2010 is going to be a great year and I'm enjoying it already!
So Christmas Break was a complete success. I have now moved up to Utah State, and I am loving every minute of it! I am so glad I made the choice to come here and I have already made a lot of friends and so many fun people! I will write another post to give the details of Life in Logan soon, but I want some more pictures first. :) Life is good!