I think it is safe to say that I have the most wonderful parents in the world. It hit me even more like a brick wall today at church. A high councilman spoke and really put it in perspective for me. He said to us: You never know the love your parents have for you or the sacrifice they put forth to make you happy until you are a parent yourself experiencing it. I know without a doubt that this is true. I have two of the most loving parents ever. They have been there for me through every soccer game, every tear, every fear and frustration, every surgery I've had (you may think that's only a couple, but it's not, trust me), every ear infection, every flu bug, every case of strep throat, every mental or emotional break down, every dirty diaper as a baby, every angry moment, and, most of all, every single heartbreak or let down. My pain is their pain and I know they would give anything to take my pains away. They have sacrificed more for my happiness than I will ever know and I will never be able to thank them for. They are two incredible people. I LOVE MY PARENTS.
2. My family
(My oldest brother, Josh, and his wife, Ang, are missing from this picture. I couldn't find one with all of us...)
My parents have done a wonderful job raising everybody in my family. I know I talked about my family last Thanksgiving, but how is there ever enough to say about such wonderful people like all of my brothers and sisters? I have definitely lucked out big time. I am the youngest of 6 and they are all the most incredible people I know. They have all taught me something different in my life and they have all helped me out when the going gets tough. Everyone deserves to know that someone cares about them, and I feel SO incredibly lucky to have the siblings I do to tell me they love me, care about me, and are here for me. I love them all so much, and they are wonderful examples to me in my life. I strive to become them every single day of my life. I want to find a marriage as happy and successful as all of theirs. I want to raise my children in the most loving and uplifting home just like they are all doing. If I patterned my life after ANY of their lives, I know I would be happy and successful.
3. Being a member of the LDS church.
I don't think there is a greater blessing in my life than being a member of this church. It literally plays a part in every single aspect of my life. It gives me perspective, good values, wonderful friends, leaders who care about me, and a wonderful knowledge that there is something bigger than everything else on this planet. I find comfort in my life because of my church. I have a knowledge that I will be able to live with my family forever and through the eternities because of this church. Temple marriage is such a wonderful blessing. I know that I don't have to accept anything less than living with my family FOREVER. I know that this church has been the source of my happiness since the day I was born. I know that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me and His son, Jesus Christ as well. I know that they are two perfect beings who will love me no matter what, and that knowledge is greater than anything I could have ever asked for.
4. My friends
Whether it's high school or college, I have always been so blessed with the greatest friends ever. Friends who are always there for me no matter what. Friends who I can call up when I am hysterical and in tears and they will drop everything they're doing and just talk to me. Friends who care more about me and my happiness than anything else in the world. Everyone needs to have friends like I do. I don't know how people survive without friends like mine, because I know there is no way in the world I could have ever made it through those years in high school, and even my years in college, without them. I have amazing friends who are there for me whenever I need them. They are wonderful examples to me in my life and are always encouraging me to be a better person and be the best I can be. I have really lucked out in finding the friends that I have today. :)
5. Trials
I know, not what you'd expect to be on my list of top five things I'm grateful for, right? I mean, I haven't even talked about food, shelter, clothes, my amazing school (UTAH STATE!), or anything like that. Well... Maybe it shouldn't be on my top five, but this is where my mind has been lately. I am so incredibly lucky for every hard thing I have gone through. They say you can't know the good without the bad, the happy without the sad, the joy without the pain, etc. Oh, how true that is! I have a good life. I don't have a difficult life compared to lots of people in this world. But I have times that are hard for me and hard things I've had to go through. I think of a song by Carrie Underwood that says, "I'm grateful for every break in my heart, I'm grateful for every start, some pages turned, some bridges burned, but there were lessons learned". It is so true! I would not be the person I am today if it weren't for the hard times. I have been able to build my character throughout the hard times and I am a much stronger person because of it. I know that hard times are truly for our benefit, and we can't experience true joy until we have felt true pain.
Other things I am grateful for:
My extended family, my dog, my roommates, food, my apartment (and my home), the leaders of the church, Freedom, temples, missionaries, armed forces, the opportunity I have for higher education, my healthy body (although sometimes it doesn't seem so healthy), my ward, etc. There are lots, but I'll stop there... Ok... One more...