Ok, so every few months I have a post about how I'm going to be better at blogging, but I never am! I think I just need to face the facts and realize that I just suck at blogging. One of these days I will get around to posting about my wonderful wedding day and our fabulous honeymoon, but I'm afraid that day is not today. Sadly enough, I have had a draft sitting there for about a month and a half now, and I just add to it every once in awhile. *Sigh* Maybe someday I'll be good at this.
What I was thinking of posting about, however, is that fabulous relief society broadcast and my favorite talk so far by President Uchtdorf. Gosh, those men always know what to do to really help me out when I am feeling down on myself and just down in general. This semester has been a tough one to say the least.. I go to school at 9:30 in the morning, go straight to work, and get home at 8 to what? Study or do homework before the next day begins. I have had countless breakdowns because there just aren't enough hours in the day. I really want to be able to have a clean house, clean dishes, a made bed, and then to just snuggle up with my husband at night to just have some time together. Oh boy, was I mistaken when I thought that was a realistic dream!
So on top of everything, I went to the broadcast on Saturday night with some friends and sat there and listened to a wonderful man giving me hope saying that I am not perfect and that's ok. A man telling me that I shouldn't hang my head because the most majestic being in existence loves me unconditionally and accepts my weaknesses. I especially loved when he told us that we are so quick to accept other people for their weaknesses, but extremely slow to forgive ourselves for our weaknesses. You know what? I'm not perfect. There are dishes in my sink, clothes on my floor, I have been struggling in school, I lose motivation to do anything a lot of the time, but that doesn't matter because every day I can wake up and strive to be better. I can try my best to be who I want to be, but accept it when I fall short. On top of the fact that God loves me, I have the best husband in the world. :) I don't know how I ever made it through the day or semesters of school without him. He motivates me, encourages me, and tells me that I am doing a good job (even though 99% of the time that's a lie). The man is wonderful and even cooks and sews my pants for me! So you know what? Life isn't so bad afterall. I have a wonderful husband, an incredible family, and we aren't doing so bad here.
And to top this all off, I found a quote this week that I am OBSESSED with. It was perfect to go along with the week I've had! :) Leave it to Elder Holland to help me out.
"No one of us is less treasured or cherished of God than another. I testify that He loves us-- Insecurities, anxieties, poor self-image, and all. He doesn't measure our talents or our looks; He doesn't measure our professions or our possessions. He cheers on every runner, calling out that the race is against sin, not against each other." Isn't that so great?? I love it. :)
So there you have it... Not sure if this post was me whining or showing that there is hope! Hmm... Take what you want from it, I suppose! I will get around to posting about my endowment, our wedding, honeymoon, and married life eventually! :)