My favorite day so far (before today, today is going to be AWESOME, details and pictures later) was the day I got nerf guns and we had a war. The funny thing is, the day before we had gone to Nicole's house and she had done it for Jeremy a few days prior, so we played with their Nerf guns for forever. Nicole had gotten 2 "big" ones for her and Jeremy, but then she got some puny guns for Makelle and Parker to play along. Well... when I went to Walmart to buy MY guns, there was only one of the "big" guns left... I thought about getting the big one for me and the puny one for him, but instead I just bought 2 puny ones. It was SO funny. Matt had gone out for a run and when he got back, I was hiding and his gun was sitting on the table with a note. It said something about declaring war on him. Well... The idea was for me to jump out before he had a chance to grab the gun, but he read that dang note faster than I expected! I heard him cock the gun and I said "OH CRAP!" and jumped out trying to shoot him. The next several minutes consisted of us running around our apartment and Matthew ducking, diving, and rolling all over the floor, and me just screaming. Our apartment is NOT very big... Haha the only held 3 darts at a time, but we kept just grabbing more and reloading our gun. It was so much fun. We have a lot of fun together. Since this is my blog, I'm going to say that I kicked his trash. ;) Afterwards, we were sitting on the couch laughing and he had the gun in his hand and he looked at it and said, "These are the same guns Makelle and Parker got, aren't they?" Dang... he noticed...
The other days have been lots of fun as well. Some have been smaller than others, but I just like to consider them as d
I had a little bit of a drawback to my awesome two weeks of celebrating... Last Monday night I was coming home from work and walking up the stairs to my apartment when all of a sudden my back tightened up. It literally felt like I had been stabbed in the back and I couldn't breath, walk, or anything. It was probably one of the worst pains I have ever had in my life (coming from the girl who has torn both of her ACL's...). I made it into my apartment and on the couch, but Matthew wasn't home, he was at his basketball game. I sat on the couch for about an hour and waited for him to get home (I had texted him and asked him to come home as soon as he could). He got home and looked at me, and I have never seen him get through that door and to the couch so fast, I had tears streaming down my face and neck because I couldn't raise my arms up to wipe them away. Nothing was helping. Matthew was AMAZING though. He immediately went into action. His little brother has had back pain for YEARS, so Matt called him over. Mikey brought over some of his muscle relaxants to try and help me get through the night. For that night and the next day Matt had to get up with me in the middle of the night when I had to use the restroom and had to literally pick me up out of bed and walk me in there. I couldn't stand up on my own. We went to the doctor first thing the next morning and of course they just said "I pulled a muscle"..... Seriously? Bite me, I've pulled a muscle before. That made me mad because I was in so much pain. Oh well... They gave me a pain killer and a muscle relaxant (I didn't tell them I had taken someone elses the night before) and sent me home. Long story short, Matthew has been so amazing to me throughout the whole thing. He has done EVERYTHING for me, and won't let me do ANYTHING (ok, so that makes me kind of mad...). But there are little things every day that he does that just confirm my decision to marry such an incredible man...
Besides that, life has been good! Matt is preparing to take the MCAT on April 13th (AHHHH!!!!) and I am just trying to find motivation for my classes before I graduate in May (AHHH!!!!). Life really is just fabulous. Lately, it has kind of gotten monotonous because we're just doing the same things day in and day out, but it's comfortable. We change it up every once in awhile. Mainly, I'm just so excited for spring break and summer! I love that time of year because Matt and I enjoy doing things outside so much. It will be a lot of fun. The med school applications will start sometime in May or June and then sometime at the end of the year our lives could be changing a lot. We should find out around then or the first of next year where Matthew will be attending medical school (assuming all goes well and he gets in). Have I told you how smart that kid is? He took his first practice MCAT not too long ago and he got a 33! For those of you who don't know what that means, basically, at all of the schools he is looking at applying to, their average score is a 25-27. Just thought I'd brag for a minute. We'll see what happens when he takes the real thing. :) There are a lot of exciting things coming up for us!
Well... this whole post has basically been my way of saying one thing. I love this time of year. But mainly I love this time of year because it reminds me how it makes me feel when I share my love with someone else. It reminds me of how EASY it is to do something small and fun to remind someone you love them EVERY day. I love my husband so much, and I love everything he does for me. I have made it a goal to tell him something SPECIFIC that I love about him every day. No, I will not proclaim it to the world on Facebook, and I will not just tell everyone else how much I love him, that takes away from how personal and intimate "love" should be. I will look him in the eyes and tell him, I will leave him a note, or I will send him a random text. If you like to say it on Facebook, that's fine too, it's just not how Matthew and I are. It's not that hard. Yes, I know that I'm a newlywed, and yes, I know that marriage gets harder, but I know that if I can make the effort to tell him how much I love and appreciate him DAILY, our marriage will be strong forever, and we will be just as in love 50 years from now as we are now. :) Ok, I'm off my soapbox now. I guess this is my blog, which can be "my journal", so I want to say this to hold myself accountable days, months, and years from now. I want to see if I can look back on this post and say that I have done it. If you have read this post until here... Get a life. Haha just kidding, thanks for reading and maybe you can leave me some advice on how to love him on those days when we probably won't like each other very much. I know they'll come. Haha love you all! Happy Valentine's Day!