You know, I hate when I don't blog very often because then I don't give the full details on everything. Instead, I just do something like bullet-points... I will probably do that now. :)
- Matthew and I have had a fun, but pretty uneventful summer. We are both just working and enjoying the days we get to spend some time together and do fun things. One day, we went to the zoo and got snow cones. Matthew was impressed with my fabulous choice of flavors. Thank you high school summer soccer and getting snow cones virtually every day!
These monkeys were my favorite. We seriously stood and watched them for like 10 minutes |
All of the pictures I took were turning out blurry, so I made Matthew take one and... this was the end result. Oh well! |
And a picture that shows half of the table... Awesome. But we love snow cones!! |
- I am still "training" for my marathon... If you can even call it that. Gosh, SO frustrating! My tendonitis in my foot started acting up again, so I have been in a boot and haven't run for the past 3 weeks. Super terrifying considering I am supposed to be running a MARATHON in 5 weeks from today. Not only am I running a marathon, but it will be my FIRST marathon. Not a good start so far... Haha oh well, it is feeling much better, so hopefully I will have enough time to teach my body how to run and how to run for a really long time! I was going to shoot for a time with this marathon, but now I am honestly just hoping to finish... Sad, huh? Maybe I should just stick to half marathons instead... :) Oh well, I am still really excited to do it and accomplish something that always seemed to be impossible.
- This week I went down to Salt Lake from Tuesday-Thursday and got to see {most} of my long-lost best friends from high school. Unfortunately, Jaynee was in Cedar City, but I got to see Breanna, Megan, and Katie! It was so exciting and I have missed them so much. We laughed, talked, gossiped about old high school people, and basically just caught up. I love hanging out with them. You can always tell who your best friends are because when you see them, it truly feels like it hasn't been forever.. I miss them so much, and I am so grateful that Matthew was understanding of my need for "girl time" and let me drive down. :) I also got to hang out with my mom a lot. It doesn't seem like I get enough time with her most trips down because we usually only have a weekend and usually EVERYONE else is there too. Haha but this time it was just the two of us and it was so fun to catch up and spend some time together! We even made me a long maxi skirt that I have been wanting forever! I have been searching online stores for a skirt long enough that fits me around the waist... Apparently that is impossible, so my mom and I just decided to buy some fabric, add 6 inches on to the end of a pattern, and call it good! I am going to wear it to church tomorrow, so I will take a picture and post it later. :)
Three of my best friends at Kneaders for breakfast! {Missed you Jane!!} LOVE THESE GIRLS!! |
- And perhaps the most exciting news of this post (if you have even made it this far...) Matthew has officially applied for medical schools, got secondary applications back from every single one of them, and so far has FOUR interviews lined up! We debated on how many people to tell because... I don't know, it's weird. You almost don't want to tell anyone just in case things don't work out, but sometimes I just can't hold it in! I am so incredibly proud of him. I know this isn't a guarantee that he will get in, but he has worked so hard for these interviews and I'm so glad to see something turn up. I just hope something comes of at least one of them! So the current scheduled interviews are:
- September 10th- LECOM in Bradenton, FL (extension of LECOM in Pennsylvania)
- September 20th- Rocky Vista in Parker, CO (right outside of Denver!!! YAY!! Ok, I'm trying to be unbiased, but let's be honest, I am PRAYING for Colorado. I will go wherever Matthew wants and wherever we feel is best, but I would LOVE to live close to Angie and Keith and this is the closest option we have to home in UT... Ok, I'm getting ahead of myself. We'll just see what happens and what the best option for our family is. :) But I am excited because I will be going out to Denver with him and we will visit Keith and Angie. It will be a fun little trip for us!)
- September 27th- Des Moines University in... you got it! Des Moines, IA. I don't know much about this one, but apparently it's a really good school!
- October 5th- LECOM in Erie, Pennsylvania. This is a really good school as well. It was one of Matthew's top choices from the beginning, so we'll see if he's impressed after visiting the campus and learning more.
So anyway, we will see what happens with those. Obviously, it is getting kind of expensive with having to make all of the travel arrangements and everything, so if he gets any more then we may have to start picking and choosing which one he REALLY wants to go to... We'll see. Luckily, we have been saving for this since... we got married, basically, so we are doing good so far. :) I am so proud of him. Like I said, hopefully something will come of at least one of these interviews, but any prayers are welcome and appreciated! Matthew is a great people-person and a fabulous interviewer (I actually get extremely jealous sometimes), but sometimes a little divine intervention is nice too! :
I think that is basically everything... We have been SO blessed recently and I am so grateful for all of the opportunities that we have had to accomplish our goals. Changes are brewing around the Wright household and we can't wait to see where we will be in the next few years and what we will be doing! I will try to post updates as frequently as possible, especially with news of any big changes! So all two of you reading this will be the first to know what is going on in our life!
Until next time!