I haven't posted on my blog in a very long time. I just haven't found a way to get better at it! We have been up to so much since I last posted, but at the same time, sometimes life is just a lot of the same! Since I last posted we:
- Moved to Springville, UT
- Matt started his 3rd year of medical school
- Landon has grown and grown and GROWN
- I got pregnant again! :) Baby GIRL is due February 18th
- Lived, laughed, and loved our way through life
Moving to Utah has been a change, I'm not going to lie. I actually had an easier time adjusting to moving to Kirksville than I did moving BACK to Utah, which I never thought would have been the case. After all, we were coming HOME. That aspect of it has been wonderful! I love being able to go to all of the family events, drive up to Salt Lake for Sunday dinner, etc. It will be so nice to have family close when I have this baby and when Matthew has to be away for military rotations, etc. but I miss my friends too! I wish we all could have moved to the same town for the next couple of years of medical school, but when does life ever work out like that? :) I am starting to make some new friends here though. My ward is great and so down-to-earth and I am starting to make some friends at the gym too. I was definitely spoiled in Kirksville with the way I was able to have instal-friends. We met and immediately clicked and hit the ground running. Friendships like that are... RARE. :)
So far third year of medical school has been good! It's been so nice for Matt to get into the hospital and clinic to learn instead of just in the classroom. He still has to take a test about once a month (he's tested about the specialty he rotated in that month), but it's still nothing like the first 2 years of school. So far he has rotated in Family Medicine, OB/GYN, Internal Medicine, Anesthesiology, Radiology, General Surgery, and Psychiatry. Coming into 3rd year, he knew he wanted to specialize in something that was primary care, but didn't have a direction beyond that. Well... As of right now he has basically decided he is going to specialize in OB/GYN and we are moving forward in that direction. It's kind of crazy to make the commitment to that kind of a "schedule" (can you even call it that?) for the rest of our lives, but... He's got to go with where his passion is! I think he can make a great OB, so I will support him in whatever he wants to do! I mean, I wouldn't want to deal with crazy, hormonal, pregnant women all day every day, but to each their own! :)
Landon is as cute as ever and is starting to get a little bit of attitude as well. It's definitely not the attitude that little girls can get, but there are times I see how much fury my little 19 month old has stored in that body... :) I am still enjoying being with him every day, so that is good! We have gotten into a good routine, and he is well-behaved enough that I actually enjoy getting him out of the house instead of dreading it. ;) He loves anything that has to do with cars and trucks. He loves sitting outside and watching all of the cars go by. He loves nursery at church (so does his mama!!) and luckily he loves childcare at the gym too! Those hours away from each other have definitely made our relationship much better. He loves "reading" books (aka: sitting on my lap and pointing at things saying "dat?" or pointing to things when I ask him where they are). As much as he loves books, cars, and trucks, the kid has one main passion... BALLS! haha He points to anything round that may resemble a ball and says "Bop" which, for some reason, is his version of "ball". I am really excited for Christmas with him this year. He's still a little young to really get into it, but he surprises me sometimes!
As for me, I'm just sitting over here growing another tiny human in my belly. :) First trimester was rough (for my pregnancies, which is a cake walk compared to what other women go through!) but mainly because I had NO energy and I felt like a terrible mom and housewife because I just wanted to lay down ALL THE TIME! Once I hit 2nd trimester, I am golden though! I am feeling great now. I am large and in charge, that is for sure, but I am healthy and so is our baby girl, so that is what matters. She was measuring a week ahead at my 20 wk scan, but there were no surprises there! My belly is, unfortunately, measuring significantly large again, so I assume my fluid levels are high again, but that isn't too much of a cause for concern. Just to give you an idea, last week I went in for my 29 week appointment and I was measuring 34 WEEKS! Haha so that's what I mean when I say "measuring big". I'm not kidding. :) I guess that just means we've got another chunky monkey coming, and I am completely fine with that! We go big or go home in this house. I am super excited for this little girl to join our family. I am nervous about the typical second-time mom things... Sad about needing to split my time and not being able to offer my undivided attention anymore, scared of going through the newborn stage again, worried about not knowing how to handle a GIRL!, etc.. But I know I will love her with everything I've got and eventually I won't be able to even remember life without her! She's got an amazing daddy and brother, so I think she'll be ok. :)
Until next time.