Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend was memorial day and we didn't really do anything, but it was great! School has been really tough lately and I've started to get a little burned out, so it was really nice to take a day off and relax. Our weekend started on Saturday. Matt was leaving the house when he met our neighbors from upstairs. They mentioned that they were heading over to Al's Sporting Goods to hit one of their big annual sales, and immediately Matt wanted to go over. So that morning he dropped me off at work and headed over to check it out. I swear the kid called me like 50x that morning about things he wanted to buy!! After work, he picked me up and we went back to look around. Well... needless to say, we got A TON of stuff! We didn't have any camping gear, but we always want to go camping, so we got a lot of stuff. Matt was running around the store comparing prices of tents, looking up user reviews on his phone, and then running back to tell me all about it.

The thing I was most excited about was our tent. We have wanted one since we got married last year, but we just never got it. We started out looking at a two-person tent and I told Matt there was no way we would fit, so I vetoed that immediately. We started looking at 4-person tents, but those were $50 more than the others, which was upsetting. We decided the extra room would be worth it, and we decided we were going to go ahead and make the investment. Matt went to grab it while I stood in line and he was gone for FOREVER! When he came back, he had a completely different tent. I asked him what took him so long and he was like, "Sorry, I had to check the reviews on this tent!" Well... It turns out, he had found a tent that was $15 cheaper than the tent we were looking at, except it was a 6 PERSON tent!! :) We were so excited!

So Matthew ended up using his birthday money from his parents and I used some of my graduation money and this is what we ended up with...

One 6-person tent, 2 sleeping bags, one fishing pole, one hiking pack w/ water bottles, one biking water bottle, 2 headlamps, and... that's all I can think of! In this picture, I am also wearing my new outfit that I bought with my JCPenney gift card Matthew's parents got me for graduation. I love it! So anyway, that was our Saturday adventure. We wanted to go camping this weekend, but the weather would not allow it. Oh well... We have all summer! :)

Monday was another chill day. Unfortunately, I had to go to work for 3 hours, which was kind of lame, but we still had fun. We started out the day going on a run (Did I mention the half marathon is in less than 2 weeks?? Yeah, I'm kinda freaking out...). Let's just say, I wanted to cry, collapse, and curse at Matthew all in one run. Haha It was time for us to run 9 miles, and Matthew decided to choose THE WORST route ever!! We ran the Bonneville shoreline... That probably won't mean anything to most of you, but basically, it is typically a hiking trail, so it is loose gravel and uphill for about 1.5 miles. Seriously, I have never wanted to quit so badly. It sucks that it had to come 2 weeks before race time because my confidence was kind of shattered, but Matt made me feel a little better when he told me the half marathon wouldn't be nearly as hard as the 9 miles we just ran. That trail may have only been 2 miles or so long, but my body was shot for the rest of the run! My knees hurt for the first time since I started training (they still kind of do!), my ankles were dying, and I just wanted to go home! Haha needless to say, I finished and I survived and that's all that matters. Now it's basically smooth-sailing until race day!

Anyway, the rest of the day was more relaxed. We went shopping, went to Cafe Rio and just enjoyed talking and spending time together. Matt then let me redbox "The Vow" (finally!), which totally made my night! I can't remember how everyone else felt about it when they saw it, but I really liked it! I was kind of depressed by the fact that she truly never got her memory back (which happens in real life too), but I thought it was great. I had heard the story of that couple before I even saw the movie, and I was really impressed with their story. There are some things that upset them about the movie (like the divorce) and I can't say I blame them. Anyway, it was great!

So that was our wonderful weekend. As for everything else, life is starting to calm down a little bit. This week is my last week of school... EVER! It still seems so surreal to me, but I am so excited! I am going to start looking for a full time job, so we'll have to see what happens. Matthew has been working on his medical school applications all month and he can/will start turning them in on.... wait for it... FRIDAY! I can't believe we are already to this point. I am anxious/excited/nervous to see what will happen with that in the next few months. We are also coming up on our first anniversary next Monday! WOW! I will probably blog about that next week though. :) Matt is planning the weekend, so I don't know what's going on with that, but I think we are going to try to go away somewhere. We'll see what he has in mind! :)

Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. I was trying to figure out why you guys were camping in your living room when I first saw the picture. You big dorks. But VERY fun!!!
