So... I have been at my "new home" now for just about 4 weeks now, and I LOVE it here!! Logan is cold and the air is terrible, but if those are the worst of my complaints, I would say that things are pretty dang good. The people here are so friendly and I meet new people everyday. Some of my favorite things are as follows:
1. My ward
I love my ward so much! The first week, I was really nervous about church and how I was going to like my ward because it seemed like everyone already had their friends, but I was so wrong! I started going to ward choir practice after church, Ward prayer every Sunday night, and FHE every monday, and things have been great ever since! Everyone talks to me and I have met so many great people who I will probably become great friends with over the next few months. My FHE family is so much fun and they are crazy which makes them the perfect family for me to be in! I also just got sustained today as a Sunday School Teacher for the Gospel Principles class! I have mixed feelings, but I think it'll be really good for me! Being a Freshman who is not a returned missionary, I am kind of intimidated by the calling, but I think it'll be a really good thing for me!
2. Basketball Games!
If you haven't ever been to a Basketball game at Utah State in the Spectrum... oh boy do you need to experience that once in your life! The students here are so involved in all of the extracurricular activites and supporting each other, and boys basketball games are probably by far the biggest ones! The student section is standing, chanting, and cheering literally the entire game. I would never want to be on the opposing team coming into the Spectrum to play because sometimes the student section is a bit ruthless. :) It is one of the funnest nights of the week though, and I am always really sad if there's not a basketball game in a week. My favorite thing is singing the fight song and the scotsman! Oh.. and the scoreboard cheer at the end of the game WHEN we win. :) And also when a player on the other team fouls out! Way too many things to love about these wonderful basketball games!
3. Deathball!
One of my new favorite things is Deathball! The people living in Pineview are definitely night owls, and they are always out in the main lobby playing this wonderful game. It's a hacky sack game, but we play with a ball. Basically you juggle it 3 times as a group, catch it, and then throw it at somebody. That is a lame description, but it is SO much fun. We seriously play for hours on end and we laugh the entire time. This is where I have met a lot of people, and we are all starting to become pretty dang close! I love it!
So those are just 3 of my top favorite things about Utah State. If I felt like saying more, I definitely could! School is going great too, and right now I am just trying to find some kind of internship that will get me some experience in the Journalism/Public Relations field. I also have enjoyed living so close to Jeremy, Nicole, Makelle, and Parker. Seeing them is always so much fun, and laundry is free! :)
Ok, for journaling purposes, I will tell the story of my first day of school... The Sunday before school started, I was signed up for 12 credits, but I wanted to take 15 credits. So I was looking for another class and I found the perfect one! It fulfilled my depth humanities credit and it seemed pretty interesting! The description said it was on the culture and history of Spain. My oldest brother, Josh, served a mission in Spain, so I thought that would be way cool. I tried to sign up for it, but it told me I would need an instructor's signature. So I asked around, and everyone told me it was because I was trying to sign up so late, so I just had to go to the class and then the teacher would sign me in if he had room. So the next morning I woke up and this class was the first one of the day! I was SO nervous to be at the new school, but I was way excited too. So I went to the classroom and sat down right in the middle of the classroom. The instructor came in, took roll, called out the waiting list, and then asked for anyone else who was there and wanting to add the class. So I raised my hand and gave him my name and everything else. Then it was time for class to begin. Well... before I knew it I was transported to Spain and everyone around me was speaking spanish! The instructor, lecturing in spanish. The students around me, asking questions in spanish. The syllabus... you got it! Spanish. Well... I had NO idea what to do. It was my first class of the semester at a new school and I was still terrified! Well, needless to say, I stayed in the class the entire time. I laughed at all of the professors joke, repeated whatever he told us to repeat, and "listened intently" the entire time. I also read the syllabus to see exactly how much spanish I can understand, and I surprised myself! It was the greatest feeling ever. People also probably thought I was crazy because I would just chuckle to myself all throughout class while I was thinking of what everyone would say when I told them about this. I was also terrified he was going to ask me a question, so you can imagine the relief I felt when class ended and I was able to get out of there and speak english again! It was probably by far the funniest thing that has happened to me since I've been up here, and it makes a great story, that's for sure!
(Trevor, Amber, and I cooking dinner Friday night!)
Well... That about wraps it up! I basically love life up here, and I am totally fine with it being my home away from home for the next 4 years. I have really started to love cooking too, so that has been a fun new adventure! I think Logan is a great city and I feel like I have always been meant to be here! I guess we'll see what other exciting things happen in the months to come! :)
Yay a update with pictures. and you are such a nut job, do you realize how many exclamation points you used? lol. I'm so glad you are loving it and I can't wait to hear more about it when I see you this weekend falling on your butt snowboarding. wa-hoo!
ReplyDeleteThat story of ending up in a Spanish speaking class is HILARIOUS! Don't you love first day's at a new school? Ha ha ha. That is awesome! A story to definitely remember!