Time for Catch up! I had some fun for Easter this year. Matthew went home that weekend while I had to stay up here and work, so that just left me with WAY too much time on my hands! :) When he came back up that Sunday night (Easter), I had made him a homemade giant easter basket. Yes, I am aware that it looks nothing like a basket, but it was a lot of fun. I got him his 3 favorite gatorades, a couple of shirts from Nike (SUPER cheap since Kel works there and gets me a discount), and then "enough candy to give him diabetes". It was a lot of fun.
What else... Let's see. I got a new job!! :) I had been working at a call center here in Logan to get some money coming in until I found another job, and I finally found one! Those call centers really start to wear on you. So now I work at a store here called "The Book Table". It is a cute little store kind of like a Barnes & Noble or a Borders. I work upstairs with all of the childrens toys and scrapbooking supplies. It actually is a lot of fun. My bosses are really cool and laid back and it's a fun job! It's just customer service, but I get to set up displays and everything and I have a lot of fun with that.
On another note, I will also be graduating next spring semester!! :) All I have to do is take a few classes this summer, 18 credits in the fall, and 18 credits in the spring and then I'm DONE! I know, I totally make it sound like it's not a very big deal... It's going to be a tough year, but I have to do what I have to do I guess! I am really excited that I will be able to finish a year earlier than planned. It will be good, and I'm hoping school will be a little better/easier once I'm married and all.
I know this post has way too many words and not enough pictures, and I don't know why I don't have more pictures, so I'm sorry. I also had an awesome bridal shower that my lovely sisters put on for me, and we had a lot of fun! There was good food, no lame games, and awesome company! I have the best family in the world, and, on top of that, I also am marrying into such a loving and supportive family! I am so incredibly lucky!! I love my mother-in-law, father-in-law, sisters and brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, everyone! I am one lucky girl... We had a fun day! I am also excited for the week of my wedding. I will work Tuesday and Wednesday, and then on Thursday I head home to get my hair done and then I go through the temple that night!! SO excited I can hardly stand it!! The next day (Friday, the day before the wedding) all the boys will be going golfing and then when they get home, the girls will be going to get pedicures!! YAY! I am so excited! It will be one "last" hurrah with my sisters before I get married! Gosh, I am just so excited for my wedding, spending time with my family, and everything. It will be a great day! I probably won't post before my wedding, but I will try to post about it fairly soon afterwards! Then I will announce where we went on our honeymoon because as of right now, I have NO idea where we are going! Stinkin Matthew and his surprises... That is all for now!

Ya we'll see. I'm going to make you post a day or 2 before your wedding (after you go through the temple). I'm so stinkin excited for your guys and I'm glad you're marrying someone I like and someone that deserves you. You 2 nut jobs are perfect for each other. Can't wait to see you next week!!!
ReplyDeleteMan I need to post too... I haven't even talked about Panama yet! P.S. School does NOT get easier once you get married just so you're aware. It actually gets harder because you would much rather be hanging out with your hubby than studying and doing homework. At least that's how it is for me! Maybe you'll be more disciplined and maybe Zach is just a bad influence on me. haha who knows