Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall Break! (If you can even call it that...)

So Utah State has one thing going against it and that is the length of its fall break. Seriously? Only one day off? That's kind of a joke and hardly anytime to really get a break. Nonetheless, Matthew and I decided to make it worth it somewhat. Our friends, Justin and Jessica invited us to go to Lagoon with them about a week ago, but we figured we couldn't go because we both had to work. On Thursday morning, Matthew found out that he got Friday afternoon off, so we figured if I could find someone to cover my shift, we might as well go! Well... after making a few phone calls and having an awesome coworker and manager working it out for me, I got it off! So we got to go to Lagoon when I hadn't been there in forever!

Jessica, Justin, me, and Matthew in line for Colossus

Well, after helping my sister with a minor emergency (she loosened a pipe in her kitchen and the result was water everywhere. She was home alone with 2 kids and since she was stuck holding the pipes together, she had no one else to turn the water off. The result was Matthew and I driving over there to help her out. haha) we met Justin and Jessica and headed out. We got in for half price, but the only way we got the deal was by entering at 5 PM for Frightmares. So we showed up and were determined to make it worth it (the result was us literally running from ride to ride like children). It was so much fun!

Matthew and I after getting into the park

The good news is, we made it onto all of the rides we wanted! We didn't make it to the Rocket in time, but we decided beforehand that wasn't a priority. The longest line we waited in was for the Samurai, of course, but it was SO worth it! I love that ride... Since I hadn't been to Lagoon in FOREVER, I had never been on the ride "Wicked" before. Holy. Crap!! That ride was a blast. You shoot off, go straight up, straight down (and I was in the front), through corkscrews, and just SO fast! My eyes leaked the entire time and I had tear streaks on the side of my face after it was over. I loved it!

The best ride of the day!

During one of our "breaks" from the ride, Matthew decided to spend $2 to have some lady try to guess his weight. He was convinced there weren't very many people that can actually guess how much he weighs. Can you blame him though? I couldn't do it! Well... He was right, the lady had NO idea what to guess because he is so tall but so skinny, and he won a little stuffed dog! Of course he didn't care what he got, so he let me choose the color and everything, so I chose the bright pink one! (surprise, surprise...)

The new addition to our family :)

All in all, it was a way fun night. We got hot chocolate and food afterward on our way back to Logan. Jessica and I of course fell asleep on the ride home, so Matthew and Justin just got to chat the whole way. I was glad we got to take advantage of the ONE DAY we got off instead of just working. And I am getting better at taking pictures of what we do, AND better at blogging! YAY! :)

On another note... STORIE BETH IS MARRIED!!!! AHHH!!! On Wednesday, I got to go down and go to Storie's wedding and reception and it was such a great day! I hadn't met Jared before, which made me so sad, but I love him already! He is so great! Their ceremony was beautiful, Storie looked gorgeous, and we are excited to add another enthusiastic couple to our little group! Friends forever? I think so...

Storie and Jared coming out of the temple

So stinkin cute!!

Best Friends Forever!!

There's the three of us... Met Fall of 2009 playing soccer in New Mexico and now 2 years later in Fall of 2011 we are all MARRIED! We never would have thought that we would all be married within 4 months of each other, but it has been such a fun and exciting summer for all of us. I love them and I love their husbands and I hope we have a fun, lifelong friendship together!

Jaynee also got married on the 15th of October. I forgot my camera, which makes me so sad, but she looked BEAUTIFUL!! I got to go to her ceremony, luncheon, and reception that day and it was so much fun! I am so happy for them, but so sad that they will be in Cedar, so far away from us... Happy weddings though!! What a fun time of our lives, I am so happy for all of my friends, and even happier that they have all chosen to be married in the temple!! Happy, happy times! All is well here. :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Top Ten Thursday

Ok, make fun of me for knowing this, but today it has been one year since Matthew and I went on our first date! WOW! I love looking back on all of the fun times we have had over the past year, and we weren't even married for all of it! It really is so hard for me to remember my life before I met Matthew, and I don't even like to think about it. Life is just so much better with him, not to mention LOTS more fun! In honor of our "one year mark" (even though this date isn't nearly as important as June 4th...) I am going to do Top Ten Thursday on the top ten most memorable moments from the past year. (Keep in mind, these are in no particular order...)

1- This one just happened the other day, so I thought I'd share. Matthew had a headache, so I was bringing him some Ibuprofen (prescription strength, at that...). So I walked into the room to hand it to him and (from his point of view) all I did was start freaking out and spitting white stuff out of my mouth. I ran into the other room and started rinsing my mouth out with water and gargling it. Matt and my mom had NO idea what was going on. What happened was, I had some candy corn in one hand and his pill in the other. Instead of popping the candy corn into my mouth, I put the pill in and bit down on it. It crumbled in my mouth and it was DISGUSTING... I don't even know if telling the story over the blog even makes it funny, but when Matthew tells it, it makes me laugh so hard I cry.

2- I have a feeling that a lot of these moments are going to consist of me either A) doing stupid things, or B) falling. This is the latter. Most of you have probably heard this story before but... oh well! Once upon a time, Lauren was going over to Matthew's apartment to see him. She decided she was going to knock on all of the windows of his apartment that she passed on her way to his door. Well... All this really did was get everyone in the apartment's attention before Lauren got to the front door, slipped on their welcome mat, and fell down straight to her butt. Once again, I laughed so hard I cried. I also believe Matthew's exact words were "I'll give you a second to get your pride back before opening the door." On another note: This was one of the first stories Matthew told his family when I first met them... Embarrassing!

3- Telling the story from #2 at my parent's house and accidentally slipping and falling AGAIN when reenacting it. This one resulted in a GIANT bruise on my butt....

4- Going to the Coca-Cola factory in Las Vegas and trying 16 flavors of Coke from around the world. We were laughing our heads off! Each of us would take turns trying it first, and when I tried the one from Italy first and was freaking out at how awful it was, Matthew didn't believe me until he tried it. He freaked out with how awful it was too. I loved listening to him try to describe how they tasted (ex: "It tasted like someone brushed their teeth, spit in a cup, then spit some mouth wash in there and watered it down and then made a drink out of it!" I believe that one was from Djibouti...)

5- The first time Matthew saw me in a competitive atmosphere (and the first time I saw him, gosh he drove me nuts...) We were playing Catch Phrase with my family and it always gets really competitive, especially when we play boys vs. girls. Matthew was being obnoxious (like he does when we're competing against each other) and I was getting SO mad. He thought it was hilarious. Once he watched me play soccer, he just realized competition brings out a whole new side to me.

6- One day Matt had an eye doctor's appointment and I was in Salt Lake for some reason. He called me after his appointment when he was laying down on his bed and I have never heard him whine like that before! I was laughing SO hard, and we still laugh about it today. He had his eyes dilated so he just kept saying, "I can't even read the paper! I can't see!" And he just went on an on... Like I said, this could just be a "you had to be there" thing, but this is my blog and I'm just kind of journaling at the moment... :) It was funny.

7- Watching Matthew dive head first into the waves on our honeymoon to Mexico and wondering just how old my husband really was. He seriously is the biggest 10 year old I've ever met. The kid has so much energy!!

8- The day we went up to campus and sat on a grassy field to watch "Falling Skies" online. We had to go to campus because we didn't have internet at our apartment. This date also consisted of us playing cranium with just the two of us. We also probably played Gin like crazy because I was obsessed this summer!

9- Where would I be without including our first date in my favorite memories?? That is where it all began. Dinner at the Pita Pit (which also consisted of playing Battle of the Sexes with just the two of us), painting pumpkins, and then going up to campus and "bowling" with the pumpkins. We knocked over half-full water bottles. Matthew will probably claim that he won, but we all know I did. Then to end the night, of course we had to go get ice cream from Charlie's! :)

10- Obviously this list wouldn't be complete without mentioning the day of our first kiss, the day we said "I love you" (even though that same day I thought he was going to break up with me), the day he proposed, and of course the day we were married!

We have had so much fun together this past year, and I can't wait for the many MANY years to come. Sorry for the cheese-ball post. I've never been one to be mushy on Facebook, and even if I was Matthew would never go along with it, but this is my blog, and sometimes I feel like talking about my husband and how great he is and of course to tell everyone how much fun we're having in our new life together! And no blog post is complete without some pictures, so here are some of the many faces of Matthew and Lauren. :)

The date where we ate everything with our hands and fingerpainted! :)

After we worked out some time. We like to pretend we're hard core. :)

The date where we went rock climbing with Alisha and Alex. :)

Last but not least, the very first picture of us together at the HOWL last year. :) Chick magnet? I think so...