2- I have a feeling that a lot of these moments are going to consist of me either A) doing stupid things, or B) falling. This is the latter. Most of you have probably heard this story before but... oh well! Once upon a time, Lauren was going over to Matthew's apartment to see him. She decided she was going to knock on all of the windows of his apartment that she passed on her way to his door. Well... All this really did was get everyone in the apartment's attention before Lauren got to the front door, slipped on their welcome mat, and fell down straight to her butt. Once again, I laughed so hard I cried. I also believe Matthew's exact words were "I'll give you a second to get your pride back before opening the door." On another note: This was one of the first stories Matthew told his family when I first met them... Embarrassing!
3- Telling the story from #2 at my parent's house and accidentally slipping and falling AGAIN when reenacting it. This one resulted in a GIANT bruise on my butt....
4- Going to the Coca-Cola factory in Las Vegas and trying 16 flavors of Coke from around the world. We were laughing our heads off! Each of us would take turns trying it first, and when I tried the one from Italy first and was freaking out at how awful it was, Matthew didn't believe me until he tried it. He freaked out with how awful it was too. I loved listening to him try to describe how they tasted (ex: "It tasted like someone brushed their teeth, spit in a cup, then spit some mouth wash in there and watered it down and then made a drink out of it!" I believe that one was from Djibouti...)
5- The first time Matthew saw me in a competitive atmosphere (and the first time I saw him, gosh he drove me nuts...) We were playing Catch Phrase with my family and it always gets really competitive, especially when we play boys vs. girls. Matthew was being obnoxious (like he does when we're competing against each other) and I was getting SO mad. He thought it was hilarious. Once he watched me play soccer, he just realized competition brings out a whole new side to me.
6- One day Matt had an eye doctor's appointment and I was in Salt Lake for some reason. He called me after his appointment when he was laying down on his bed and I have never heard him whine like that before! I was laughing SO hard, and we still laugh about it today. He had his eyes dilated so he just kept saying, "I can't even read the paper! I can't see!" And he just went on an on... Like I said, this could just be a "you had to be there" thing, but this is my blog and I'm just kind of journaling at the moment... :) It was funny.
7- Watching Matthew dive head first into the waves on our honeymoon to Mexico and wondering just how old my husband really was. He seriously is the biggest 10 year old I've ever met. The kid has so much energy!!
8- The day we went up to campus and sat on a grassy field to watch "Falling Skies" online. We had to go to campus because we didn't have internet at our apartment. This date also consisted of us playing cranium with just the two of us. We also probably played Gin like crazy because I was obsessed this summer!
9- Where would I be without including our first date in my favorite memories?? That is where it all began. Dinner at the Pita Pit (which also consisted of playing Battle of the Sexes with just the two of us), painting pumpkins, and then going up to campus and "bowling" with the pumpkins. We knocked over half-full water bottles. Matthew will probably claim that he won, but we all know I did. Then to end the night, of course we had to go get ice cream from Charlie's! :)
10- Obviously this list wouldn't be complete without mentioning the day of our first kiss, the day we said "I love you" (even though that same day I thought he was going to break up with me), the day he proposed, and of course the day we were married!
We have had so much fun together this past year, and I can't wait for the many MANY years to come. Sorry for the cheese-ball post. I've never been one to be mushy on Facebook, and even if I was Matthew would never go along with it, but this is my blog, and sometimes I feel like talking about my husband and how great he is and of course to tell everyone how much fun we're having in our new life together! And no blog post is complete without some pictures, so here are some of the many faces of Matthew and Lauren. :)
You two are SO stinkin' cute :) And not to worry, I laughed at every single story, so you didn't necessarily HAVE to be there, just had to envision Lauren on her butt...a lot. Makes me laugh every time, bahahaha :) Love you!