Wow! Life. Is. INSANE!! I wouldn't have it any other way because I love being busy... Well, maybe I'd calm it down just a little bit! I am surviving though and taking a break to Blog... First of all, I GRADUATED!! Sort of... Haha On Saturday, May 5th, I walked the walk in the ever so fashionable cap and gown and got handed an empty diploma case. :) It was good and I was grateful for all of my support that came.
My parents and fabulous husband after the first session |
My wonderful and supportive in-laws who came to celebrate! I am so grateful to them for all of their love and support and for raising such an incredible son!! |
Ok, so the morning started out on the quad where all the graduates met up. I found my HR buddies and we all celebrated together. Then, all of the graduates walk from the quad, through campus, to the Spectrum where we have the commencement. The morning commencement was great! We had a Navy SEAL speak to us and he did a great job! He said a lot of things that I really liked and kept it short and interesting enough to keep me entertained. My name wasn't in the program, sadly enough, but Matthew's was this time! Haha Matthew "fake-walked" last year, but graduated this year due to some additional classes he wanted to take for medical school.
My hubby who has kept me sane through school the past year |
In between sessions, we went and got some sandwiches at Jimmy Johns (YUMMY!!) and then actually drove to Smithfield to watch my niece, Makelle, play soccer. It was a lot of fun to be outside in the beautiful weather and see my niece follow in her favorite aunt's footsteps (me of course!).
Look at that game face she has on! |
She ran the whole time. Haha even if she didn't touch the ball when she got there, she chased it like a mad-woman! :) |
After the game, I had to head back to the spectrum for the business school commencement. That one wasn't quite as entertaining. I sat with my HR folks again (and our friend, Justin, who Matt grew up with), so that was good, but we were all falling asleep. It was a long day and the speeches didn't help much, so I was kind of glad when it was over.. Everyone's gotta do it though, right? It's part of the experience! My sister, Kelsey, graduated the day before and she couldn't come up for mine, but she sent some beautiful flower leis from Hawaii with my mom for me to wear. They made my outfit lots cuter! :) Thanks, Kel!
Justin and I at the Business school graduation |
All in all, it was a good day. I was exhausted, and Matt and I just relaxed the rest of the day, but it was a lot of fun. I am grateful for all of the support that my parents, siblings, friends, and of course my wonderful Matthew has given me. I finished! I have no idea what I'm going to do now, but that is part of the adventure, right? I am still in classes 6 hours a day, 5 days a week until June 1st, so maybe I'll finish with that before figuring out the "what next?".
I love my dad! He has been such a great support system to me throughout the years and helped (actually more than helped) fund my way through college. He has always worked so hard to provide for our family and I admire him so much. My education meant so much to him and he really made me appreciate what I was getting. I can honestly say he is one of the main reasons I got through college. He is so great and has taught me more about the value of work than any class could ever teach me! I love you, dad! |
My mom has also been there for me every step of the way! We actually started college at the same time, and that was so fun for me! She is going to be done next year and I am so, so proud of her! She is such a hard worker and passed me up on every single test she took. (Thank goodness we aren't in the same major, she'd just make me look bad!!) She was there for everything and I could always call and vent to her about school, work, dumb boys, everything! I love her and am so grateful for her example. |
How could I end without something about my best friend and my love, Matthew?? He is the greatest husband a girl could ask for. He got me through my last two years of school and helped me stay focused and motivated when I needed to. Whenever I was nervous about a test, he would always help me study and tell me he believed in me. He makes fun of me for being a business major because it's "easy", but I know he knows I'm smart. He has put up with me, flaws and all, and loved me all the way. I am so proud of him and his accomplishments, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us now! (By the way, MCAT test scores came back, and my hubby is a smarty-pants!! I love him and am so proud of him!) |
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