(Matthew and I when he "graduated" last year!)
Speaking of the future, here's what is to come: Matthew is taking the MCAT day after tomorrow... BAH!!! I think I am more nervous than him. Mainly because I have no control over anything. The funny thing is, me having no control is actually a good thing. Matthew is honestly the smartest person I know. He is incredible. I don't know how that kid knows SO much, but he does! It blows my mind most days. I can ask him any random question and he usually knows the answer. So anyway, he has been studying hard for that and I think he will do really well. Regardless, I will be spending all day Friday praying and trying to keep my mind off of it. :) Any other outside prayers would be fabulous!Graduation is on May 4th and then we are looking at moving out the next weekend! Hooray!! No more student housing!! :) I am really excited, our new apartment is nicer than our current one (dishwasher included, praise the heavens!) and our rent is actually cheaper! The REALLY nice part (yes, maybe better than the dishwasher) is the fact that gas is included! That will save us A LOT of money in the winter, and we can maybe turn on the heat just a little more next winter. :)
So after May passes (and pray for the sake of my sanity that it passes quickly), we will have our Anniversary in June! I have no idea what we are going to do for that yet, but we haven't even taken any time to think about it. I have, however, taken some time to think about an anniversary gift... I obviously can't talk about it here. Did you know the first anniversary is the year of paper?? I had no idea, but how lame is that?? Haha I already made him a calendar for Christmas! I really screwed up that one, but I think my idea will be fun. The weekend after our Anniversary is Matt's birthday, June 9th, and on that very same day we are... running the freaking Bear Lake Half Marathon! What a joke, right? Ugh... I have always wanted to run a half marathon, but I've never signed up for one which means I've never seriously trained for one and I've always been content with just running about 3 miles a day. Well... It's official, folks! I am signed up and I've paid my $55! I HAVE to run it! (Look how hard core we are in the picture below... We can pretend, right?)
So I apologize now, if running or working out isn't your thing, my blog probably won't be either for the next couple of months (if I ever post again). I am determined to become a runner. I want to talk about my ups and downs and my workouts and the times when I freaking rock it and the times when I puke or feel like pushing my "trainer" husband into the road (trust me, the first few days have already consisted of all of these). But I think it's fun. I truly believe ANYONE can run (obviously, there are always exceptions, so don't think I'm saying you should still be able to run if you have serious physical problems that make it so you literally can't run). Our bodies were made to run and I don't believe anyone that says it's bad for you. Anyone can run a 5K, but I also believe ANYONE can run/finish a half marathon! (If you don't believe me, check out Lauren from "The Biggest Loser", she got voted off this season and ran a half marathon afterwards, she still weighed well over 200 pounds!) So... That's my soapbox. I will run a half marathon and my goal is to do just that RUN a half marathon. I don't want to walk and I will be disappointed in myself if I do. So there ya have it, folks. If I continue to stay bored tonight, I will probably post about how training has gone so far this week. Heck, if you want to train along with me, let me know! We have a whole excel spreadsheet of every workout we will be doing until the race! Until I post again... :)
I'm a little offended you didn't even ask me. Not that I would've done it but still... :(
ReplyDeleteSorry, Kel. :( I didn't know if it would be BETTER to invite you or WORSE. I added in a sentence with you. Do you want me to make a shirt for you too and then you can come watch us. It'll say "Being pregnant is harder than running a half marathon any day" because that's probably true... Haha people would probably laugh if they saw that. :)