Ok, so here I am posting about my "week 1" training. I know it's only Wednesday, so it's probably too soon to post, but in all honestly, I have been indirectly training for a half marathon for a while now. The training schedule that I have doesn't have you run any more than like 4 miles during the week. You save all of your long runs for Saturdays, which is the only thing I haven't been doing so far. But can I just tell you that actually signing up for the race, having that motivation and goal to move towards, as well as talking to my sisters about it has made ALL the difference in my desire to run and workout. I am not just doing it for the sake of doing it anymore. It's not "I guess I'll go work out now..." It's "When do I get to go running today??". I don't know, call me a freak or tell me it'll all go back to normal when the novelty wears off, but I get excited to run now! Knowing that I am moving towards a higher goal is SO great for me.
So I started off on Monday with a 5K. I ran 3.1 miles and it felt pretty good! I think I was supposed to run 3.5 but I hadn't completely solidified my workout regimen yet... Oh well. My foot had kind of started hurting again (I got tendonitis pretty bad in it a few months back and ended up in a stupid walking boot), but it wasn't anything big.
Tuesday was a fun day because I knew I got to go running with Matt. I get off work at 5:30 that day, so we have time to go running together afterwards, and it's usually about the time he needs to take a break from studying for the MCAT anyway. So it was our "interval training" day. It didn't seem like it was going to be that bad. You run for 40 minutes and do 5 minutes "fast" and 5 minutes "slow". In order for me to try to put "fast" and "slow" into perspective, I'll use the speeds on a treadmill. I usually like to run on a treadmill at a pretty stead 6.5 (don't judge). That's a good pace for me where I feel like I can go for awhile. Well.. using that as my base, that makes my "fast" pace a 7.5 and my "slow" pace a 5.5. Doesn't sound too bad, right? Wrong! I hated it. haha All this time I have been running at a nice and easy stead pace and all of a sudden I have to speed up? Get outta here! Well.. needless to say I am learning to run through pain (I HATE side-aches) but I felt freaking awesome afterwards! We ended up running just over 4 miles in 40 minutes, so I thought that was good! A couple things I learned during this day: I am capable of more than I think I am (when I think I can't take another step and I am going to collapse, I end up being able to run another mile). The second thing is that you NEVER regret working out. I don't know if anyone else is different, but I feel freaking awesome after I work out! Matt even says that I glow and I just have a different look when I've been working out.
Today was a good day as well. It was raining outside, so I decided to run on the treadmill in the gym instead, which was kind of a bummer. Today is supposed to be my cross-train day, but I like to "cross-train" with Jillian Michaels on that day because school and work is more hectic. So today I did the Thursday workout which is a 3.5 mile run and strength training. Well... treadmill meant I needed my ipod and a sweatshirt to go over the screen so I didn't just stare at it the whole time. A word of advice from a non-professional-- DO THAT. I have always found I can run farther, faster, longer if I can't see where I'm at. Some people like to track it, but I become so preoccupied with the whole "I've only run ____ FAR!!?... Well... Maybe I'll just run 2 miles today instead, this sucks..." Gosh, I hate that. I hope someone else can relate. Another game I play is that I start at 6.3, at the end of the first song I go up to 6.5, next song up to 6.7, back down as needed at the nest song and so on. I have found that I do better when I look at the short term "goals". So this time I said "I have to listen to ___ songs before I can look at how far I've run". Well... believe it or not, by the time I looked, I had already run 2.5 miles! I don't think you realize what an accomplishment that is, usually I look AT LEAST ever 1/4 mile! Haha and by the time you reach 2.5 then a new energy hits because it's like "I only have one mile left!" Call me weird, but I love it. Maybe if you're someone who is looking for a way to get into running or something, this will help. :)
So anyway, tomorrow is my cross train with Jillian, Friday is a stretch and strengthen day, and Saturday will be the much-anticipated 5 mile run with Matthew. I have committed myself to taking my anti-inflammatory medicine to try to get my foot to feel better, and Matthew even convinced me to wear my boot today. I hate that dang boot, but if it means I can run in this half-marathon, I'll do it. No time to take breaks! Gotta push through the pain for now!
So I'll leave you with my last soap-box and my extremely inexperienced opinion, so take it for what it's worth. 1. Read "Born to Run". It's a book and it is inspiring! It shows that our bodies are truly made to run ridiculously long distances and we have just ruined them by either eating too much, being "too busy" or just flat out telling ourselves we can't. 2. (which really shouldn't be a #2 because it's kind of just an addition) Are you scared of a long race? Just do it! Commit yourself, and you will probably be amazed at what you are capable of! When you start running and your body starts to hurt and ache and your knees feel like they need a replacement and your side starts to hurt... RUN THROUGH IT! That is one major thing I have learned. If you just ran up a steep hill, don't stop and walk because you're tired, keep your pace! If you do that, you will feel AWESOME in a couple of minutes. You need to give your body enough time to give off endorphins (natural pain killers) and you will feel so much better. My foot hurt for the whole first mile of my run tonight, but as soon as I got past that, I couldn't even feel it! Your body is AMAZING, seriously. It can do so much more than you could ever imagine!
Ok, are you sick of me acting like a pro after only a few days? Ok, I'll stop. I just know that there are probably a lot more people in my situation than not, and maybe some people just need to know they're not the only ones feeling that way and maybe they just need to know how to deal with mental lapses. (Some days the only way I get through mine is to have Matthew running with me so I'm dealing with my pride, or if I'm on the treadmill I race the person next to me.. Haha). So anyway... Get out and run, you won't regret it, you'll feel awesome and... I'll leave you with an opinion I CAN have. Freaking download Kelly Clarkson's song "Stronger" and run to that on repeat. It is freaking awesome and SO awesome. :) Until next time...
Loved this! BTW did you change your blog address? I had the wrong address and I hadn't read your last like 4 posts! But it was fun to catch up!